Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities
Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities (SCCR) works with students, faculty and staff in regard to the Code of Student Conduct, oversees the University Hearing Panel, and supports student understanding of responsibility and citizenship within the University campus and Bloomington-Normal communities.
Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities: We Can Help
University Hearing Panel
The University Hearing Panel (UHP) reviews information in cases where students are alleged to have violated the Code of Student Conduct. The UHP makes decisions as to whether or not violations of the Code have occurred and imposes educational sanctions when violations have been established.
SCCR is recruiting student and staff members for the 2025-2026 UHP. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please complete this application. Please note, faculty members should reach out to Academic Senate for information about the faculty appointment process.
Previous panelists noted they:
- further developed their listening and communication skills.
- felt the process was important for students and RSOs to be heard.
- developed a sense of pride in helping students and RSOs make more informed decisions moving forward.
Watch our University Hearing Panel video, which demonstrates the sequence of events that occur during a hearing. Please note this represents a mock hearing panel.
Conduct Consultants
Conduct Consultants are volunteers who have received basic training in the student conduct process. These volunteers are an optional resource open to any student involved in the student conduct process. A list of Conduct Consultants and their contact information can be found here.
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Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities
Find us at 120 Student Services Building
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Mailing Address
Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities
Illinois State UniversityCampus Box 2440
Normal, IL 61790-2440