When students are found in violation of University regulations, sanctions will be imposed. The purpose of sanctioning is to educate a student as to why their behavior is inappropriate. Sanctions for misconduct will be determined on a case to case basis, utilizing four main criteria: a) the nature of the offense; b) the precedent established at the University for similar offenses; c) the previous disciplinary history of the student; and, d) the student's attitude and behavior throughout the conduct process.
Sanctions shall generally be comprised of two components: a) an "inactive sanction" or written sanction (Censure, Disciplinary Probation, Restrictive Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Suspension, or Disciplinary Dismissal), as well as; b) an "active sanction" or educational sanction, requiring the student to complete some form of assignment requiring the student's active participation and reflection.
Sanctions for Alcohol and Other Drug Incidents
In cases where students are found in violation of University policies related to alcohol and/or drugs, a set of minimum sanctions has been established. Case managers are expected to apply these sanctions, noting that aggravating factors may be present that may result in increased sanctions.