Dean of Students Office
Be involved. Be supported.
Let’s create a great experience for you.
Students, apply to become part of the Welcome Week student crew! The Dean of Students Office is hiring students to assist at Welcome Week, August 12-17. Responsibilities include preparing supplies, setting up, implementing, and tearing down events. It is a great opportunity learn new skills, make friends, and have a positive impact on incoming students. Application deadline: February 11.
Stop by the Off-Campus Services table in the Bone Student Center on February 12 from 9 to 10:30 a.m., February 13 from 2-3:30 p.m. or February 17 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and learn about searching for an apartment, finding roommates, paying utilities, budgeting, signing a lease, safety, and more.
Spring Commencement: Ceremony registration for the May 9 and 10 commencement will open beginning on February 12 and run through April 4. Students who have completed their application for graduation prior to that time will receive an email from Marching Order, the ceremony registration portal, with additional registration instructions. There is no fee to participate in commencement; however, this registration must be completed no later than April 4 to be included in the ceremony and program book.
Student Navigators is a free service that helps connect Illinois State students to basic needs resources, including food, technology, and textbooks. Visit the Student Navigators to find resources or schedule a meeting.
Have a question and don't know who to ask? Our Dean on Duty can help. Visit us in 387 Student Services Building or call (309) 438-2008.