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Definition Breakdown: Disruptive Behavior

In general, behavior/activities are considered disruptive if they do such things as interfere with, obstruct, prevent, or threaten University operations if they pose threats to the safety of persons and property, or if they violate the standards of behavior for members of the University community and authorized campus visitors.

Encountering Disruptive Behavior

In the classroom

Instructors determine whether conduct is disruptive to the learning environment. They can engage in appropriate warning or correction of student behavior in the interest of maintaining order, upholding standards, stimulating thought, or promoting competence.

A learning environment includes classrooms, virtual learning environments, and off-campus locations. Examples of disruptive behavior in these places include:

Threatening, intimidating or other inappropriate behavior toward an instructor or classmates

Repeated interruptions by electronic devices

Persisting in disruptive personal conversations with other class members

Refusing to follow the direction of the instructor or other University officials

Unreasonable interference with class discussion or activities

Leaving and entering class frequently without notifying the instructor of illness or other extenuating circumstances

At an event

If you encounter disruptive behavior during your event, contact the appropriate unit. It is not recommended to confront the person or group causing the disruption.

  • Option 1: University Department

    Contact the department that processed your reservation. Unscheduled events typically have to move to a different location.

  • Option 2: ISU Police Department

    ISU police can help if there is a safety risk or danger
    (309) 438-8631

  • Option 3: Emergency Services

    Call 9-1-1 if you need immediate assistance from police, fire, or medical services.

Participating in Disruptive Behavior

Interfering with a protest that follows University requirements can constitute a violation of the University Facility and Space Policy. It may result in sanctions imposed with applicable University policies, including but not limited to the Code of Student Conduct, University policies applicable to employees, and other available methods.

Most people participating in disruptive behavior are subject to University policies and procedures. The policies and procedures may vary depending on your role and relationship with the University.

  • Code of Student Conduct

    Governs students

  • Employee Policies

    Governs employees

  • No-Trespass Restriction

    Can be given to members of the public

Anyone accused of disruptive behavior will have their circumstances fairly considered on a case-by-base basis.