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Student Absences

Absences can disrupt a student's coursework temporarily. The Dean of Students Office will notify instructors of reported student absences. Please note that students are not required to report absences to the Dean of Students Office unless they would like to utilize one of the University's excused absence polices (see below). Students should refer to their course syllabi for specific course absence information. Not all student absences are excused; many are at the discretion of instructors.

Report an absence

Prefer to discuss an absence?

We can assist in person or by phone:

The Dean of Students Office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., except during University closure periods.

Common Absence Reasons

Illness, injury, hospitalization, or medical appointments
Although illness or medical concerns may disrupt a student's coursework temporarily, the University does not have an excused absence policy for these reasons. Students should refer to their course syllabi or contact instructors directly to determine if their instructors will excused the absence or if they will be permitted to make-up work. Students should not share medical documentation related to illness, injury, hospitalization, or medical appointments with the Dean of Students Office.
Required isolation due to communicable disease (excused)

If a student is directed by a public health official or health care provider to isolate due to a communicable disease, the resulting absence from class will be considered excused. For the absence to be excused, the student must provide documentation of the medical/health care professional's isolation directive, including the student's name and the required dates of isolation, to the "Report an Absence" portal. Ultimately, students are responsible for material covered in class and should arrange with their instructors to complete missed classroom work as soon as possible. 

Beginning March 18, 2024, Student Health Services will no longer issue isolation letters for positive Covid-19 tests, to align with the most updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.

View the Excused student absences due to communicable disease policy.

Bereavement for loss of a relative (excused)

Students are eligible for up to five (5) consecutive days (not including weekends or holidays) of excused absence in the event of a death of a spouse, domestic partner, parent, legal guardian, child, grandparents, grandchild, sibling, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, first cousin, in-law, or step-relative. Documentation is required.

Ultimately, the student is responsible for all material covered in class and must work with each individual instructor as soon as they return to complete any required work.

View the Student Bereavement policy.

Bereavement for loss of a friend/family friend
While University policy limits excused absences to be granted for the loss of a family member, the Dean of Students Office will send a courtesy absence notification for the loss of friend/family friend. This notice informs instructors of the reason for the absence, but does not direct them to excuse the student. Students should refer to their course syllabi or contact their instructors directly to determine if the absence will be excused or if they will be permitted to make-up work.
Military duty or training (excused, with limitations)

In accordance with state laws and regulations (330 ILCS 60/5.2), a service member enrolled in an institution of higher learning who is unable, because of his or her military service, to attend classes on a particular day or days has the right to be excused and to reschedule a course examination administered on such day or days. The faculty and administrative officials shall make available to the service member an opportunity to make up any examination he or she has missed because of his or her military service.

View the State Regulation related to military absences.

Jury duty or court appearance
Although this absence may disrupt a student's coursework temporarily, the University does not have an excused absence policy for this reason. Students should refer to their course syllabi or contact instructors directly to determine if the absence will be excused or if the student will be permitted to make-up work.
Family commitment/trip/other
Although this absence may disrupt a student's coursework temporarily, the University does not have an excused absence policy for this reason. Students should refer to their course syllabi or contact instructors directly to determine if the absence will be excused or if the student will be permitted to make-up work.
Religious observance

Student Access and Accommodation Services (SAAS) assists students who are seeking religious accommodations. Visit their Religious Accommodations website or contact SAAS at or (309) 438-5853 for assistance with this absence request.