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Sponsored RSO Funding

The Sponsored Registered Student Organization (RSO) Fund is for registered student organizations sponsored by university departments/colleges. For full list of sponsored RSOs, visit the classification section of the Policies and Procedures webpage. Funds will be distributed for programs/travel which are consistent with the educational goals and purposes of the institution and/or RSO and has a significant impact upon and/or appeal to the student members of the RSO. Please review the Sponsored RSO Fund Guidelines for complete policies/procedures.

Funds will be allocated in the spring for programs/travel that occur the following academic year (Program Fund). Any additional available funds will be allocated in the fall for that current academic year (Opportunity Fund).

Accessing Allocated Funding

RSOs that receive funding through the Fee Board must have a student leader and advisor meet with the RSO Financial Associate in the Student Activities office to review the Sponsored RSO Purchasing Guide and complete necessary account paperwork.

Changes to Funding Allocations

RSOs that received funding and desire to move money from one line item to another must submit a Change in Allocation form prior to making purchases or confirming arrangements with a vendor. A Revised Line Item Budget must be uploaded within the form. The change must be approved by the Fee Board.

Forms and Resources


Contracts serve as agreements for payment between the Registered Student Organization (RSO) and a third-party (DJ, speaker, vendor, etc.)

Sponsored student organizations who are using student fee or departmental funds for an event will need to utilize the ISU Agreement for Services for all third-party agreements (even if the vendor provides a contract). Prior to creating a contractual agreements, consult with the department that sponsors the RSO and follow all University purchasing regulations.