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Student Organization Registration

How to Register a New RSO

All Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) must complete a registration within Redbird Life in order to be recognized as an RSO on campus. Review the registration steps to complete your new RSO registration.

  • Registration Steps

1. Have the following information ready for the registration form:

  1. A president's email address (must be an Illinois State student)
  2. A treasurer's email address (must be an Illinois State student)
  3. Three (3) additional Illinois State student members' email addresses
  4. Illinois State faculty/staff advisor's email address
  5. Electronic copy of your constitution with ratification date within the last two years. A sample constitution and guidelines are available for your use
  6. Organization email, web address, and social media addresses
  7. Profile picture for your organization. Square shaped images work best since the profile picture appears in a circular shape. Note that edges of your image will be cropped. Student organizations should not use the seal or create logos similar to the standard institutional or unit logos and logotypes. See the University Names and Logos Standards from University Marketing & Communications
  8. New RSOs and RSOs being reinstated that are affiliated with a national organization must provide a signed letter from the national organization in order to register

2. The RSO President should complete the online registration form within the Redbird Life portal. Please follow our current Redbird Life new RSO registration instructions. Once in the Redbird Life portal, all organizations must register on an annual basis with Student Activities and will be notified within the Redbird Life portal when it is time to do so. If needing to update RSO membership outside of annual registration, RSOs should do so within the roster section of the RSO’s Redbird Life profile.

3. Once the form is complete, the RSO president will receive a confirmation email that the RSO registration was submitted. Within fifteen business days, the RSO president will receive an email notifying them whether the registration was approved or denied. If denied, additional instructions will be provided.

4. Sport Clubs must fulfill all registration requirements with Campus Recreation

5. Redbird Esports Clubs must fulfill all registration requirements with Redbird Esports

6. Social sororities and fraternities must be recognized as a chapter affiliated with Illinois State and approved by Sorority and Fraternity Life. These organizations must adhere to their national/international guidelines as well as local CPC, IFC, NPHC, and UGC guidelines.


How to Re-Register an Existing RSO

Annual re-registration: July 1 – September 30, 2024

Once in the Redbird Life portal, all organizations must re-register annually following the RSO re-registration instructions. If needing to update RSO membership outside of the annual re-registration timeframe, RSOs should do so within the roster section of the RSO’s Redbird Life profile.

How to Re-Register on Redbird Life

Registered Student Organization (RSO) Policies

  • RSO Policies
  1. Membership in RSOs at Illinois State University is limited to currently registered Illinois State students. Rosters submitted to parent national/international organizations must be approved by the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office reserves the right to review membership rosters as deemed necessary.
  2. All organizations are required to have a minimum of five (5) currently registered Illinois State students. All additional members must be currently enrolled Illinois State students. Any student holding an RSO leadership position must be in good disciplinary standing.
  3. Organization names CANNOT BEGIN with Illinois State University/Illinois State/ISU. Student Activities reserves the right to edit names as necessary.
  4. Sport Clubs must fulfill all registration requirements with  Campus Recreation.
  5. Redbird Esports Clubs must fulfill all registration requirements with  Redbird Esports.
  6. Social sororities and fraternities must be approved by Sorority and Fraternity Life. Social sororities and fraternities are defined as having exclusive (cannot join another sorority/fraternity) membership and are members of a national/international umbrella organization. Social sororities and fraternities are the only single-sex organizations outside of sport-related organizations permitted at Illinois State University. These organizations must adhere to their national/international guidelines as well as local CPC, IFC, NPHC, and UGC guidelines.
  7. The president will serve as the primary contact for this organization and will be visible on Redbird Life.
  8. All organizations are required to have a current constitution/by-laws on file that is visible on Redbird Life.
  9. All members agree to the follow the Nondiscrimination in Membership Clause: Member selection shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, order of protection, gender identity and expression, age, marital status, disability, genetic information, unfavorable military discharge, status as a veteran, or sex (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking).
  10. When a student organization, whether national or local, has a selective membership (i.e., honor and recognition societies, or professional, service, and social groups) the organization shall not discriminate in member selection based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, order of protection, gender identity and expression, age, marital status, disability, genetic information, unfavorable military discharge, status as a veteran, or sex (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking). Per section 106.14 of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, social fraternities and sororities that are exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and whose active membership consists primarily of students in attendance at institutions of higher education may select members based on sex.
  11. All members will follow the Nondiscrimination in Educational Programming Clause: All Registered Student Organizations shall be in compliance with all federal and state statutes and regulations and Illinois State University policies pertaining to nondiscrimination in educational programs. Consequently, access to all programming provided or sponsored by Registered Student Organizations shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, order of protection, gender identity and expression, age, marital status, disability, genetic information, unfavorable military discharge, status as a veteran, or sex (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking). Registered Student Organizations shall provide reasonable accommodations as necessary to individuals with disabilities in order to provide equal opportunity to participate in programs, services, and activities.
  12. All RSOs must abide by the Code of Student Conduct, Illinois State University policies, and city, state, and national laws.
  13. RSOs will be held liable for disciplinary action as a result of actions of individual members of the organization while representing the organization.
  14. RSOs will be held responsible for all activities and/or damages resulting from its events. A RSO must exercise reasonable precaution and abide by RSO risk management procedures to ensure its events are safe.
  15. RSOs will not organize, sponsor, cosponsor, or in any way coordinate an event with any student organization that has been prohibited in participating in that type of event or has had its RSO status suspended, placed on interim suspension, or terminated.
  16. RSOs must stay in good financial standing with the University in order to have access to RSO resources such as reserving campus space, funding, Redbird Life, etc. Failure for RSO to pay financial obligations may lead to the revocation of RSO status and additional disciplinary action.
  17. RSOs will follow the Alcohol Procedures for Events and complete all paperwork associated with these events as outlined.
  18. RSOs will post flyers/posters on designated bulletin boards only and will only chalk on sidewalks exposed to rain. Trees, artwork, buildings, etc., are not to be used for these purposes.
  19. New RSOs and RSOs being reinstated that are affiliated with a national organization must provide a signed letter from the national organization in order to register.
  20. All RSO Presidents and Treasurers must accept their RSO membership invitation and role on Redbird Life. Failure to do so could result in the RSO losing active status on campus. The RSO Advisor should also accept their membership invitation and role as RSO Advisor on Redbird Life.

Additional Policies by RSO Type

  • Independent RSO Specific Policies
  1. All independent organizations who have self-generated funds (i.e. membership dues, fundraisers) must have an external bank account for these funds.
  2. All independent organizations are required to have a minimum of one (1) advisor who is an Illinois State University faculty, staff, or graduate assistant employed by the University. They are not considered a member of the organization, even though the Redbird Life system allows them to join the group under the title of "member". (This is system terminology.)
  • Sponsored RSO Specific Policies
  1. All sponsored organizations who receive University funding, including funds from the student fee board, will have a faculty/staff fiscal agent responsible for approving expenditures, signing contracts, etc
  2. All sponsored organizations who have self-generated funds (i.e. membership dues, fundraisers, etc.) or receive University funding must have an internal account through the University. This account will be managed by the sponsoring department or school.
  3. All sponsored organizations are required to have a minimum of one (1) advisor who is an Illinois State University faculty, staff, or graduate assistant employed by the University within the sponsoring department or school. They are not considered a member of the organization, even though the Redbird Life system allows them to join the group under the title of "member". (This is system terminology.)
  4. All sponsored organizations must follow any additional policies, guidelines or expectations set by their sponsoring department or school.

Student Organization Leader Resources